2014年3月31日 星期一

天生英哲Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self

今日世界出版社的天生英哲Yankee from Olympus, 1944, 香港1962年初版--採用讀者文摘的摘要版 , 1975年八版

這本書的結尾  引下述演講詞 HOLMES' 1884 MEMORIAL DAY SPEECH 黑體字部分

But, nevertheless, the generation that carried on the war has been set apart by its experience. Through our great good fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing. While we are permitted to scorn nothing but indifference, and do not pretend to undervalue the worldly rewards of ambition, we have seen wih our own eyes, beyond and above the gold fields, the snowy heights of honor, and it is for us to bear the report to those who come after us. But, above all, we have learned that whether a man accepts from Fortune her spade, and will look downward and dig, or from Aspiration her axe and cord, and will scale the ice, the one and only success which it is his to command is to bring to his work a mighty heart.
"不管一個人是從幸運女神那兒接受了他的鏟子低下頭去挖土 或是希女神那兒接受了他斧頭和繩往冰上爬 唯一屬於他的成功在於做事要有一顆剛毅的心。"

 我對翻譯的一些看法: 這牽涉到神話"希望女神"的翻譯可商榷。Aspiration是與"幸運"對比 或許是"努力女神"。"努力" (自力奮鬥)即 action of desiring and striving for something"....
我根據Shorter O.E.D  "aspiration"詞句 的一句 B. Bainbridge的 "His entire life, with its small triumphs and disasters, its boundless hopes and aspirations for the future."
 其中hopes 和 aspirations是 對比
 末句"唯一屬於他的" 或許可改成"唯一他能控制的,就是成功在於做事要有一顆剛毅的心。"..

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes : Law & Inner Self...

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self [Paperback]

G. Edward White

From Publishers Weekly

In this thorough and insightful scholarly biography, White ( Earl Warren ) explores the linked life and work of legendary scholar and jurist Holmes (1841-1935). Son of a famed literary father and product of a privileged Boston Brahmin upbringing, Holmes entered the legal profession having lost his youthful romanticism in the Civil War when he was wounded three times. Drawing on prodigious research, White closely analyzes Holmes's legal scholarship, finding a tension between his subject's reliance on both experience and logic in his classic, The Common Law . The author also dissects Holmes's Supreme Court opinions, describing how his reputation grew and suggesting that Holmes's famous rhetoric on free speech ("every idea is an incitement") was memorable but obscured philosophical contradictions, perhaps because his changing ideas on free speech had less to do with the consistent evolution of legal doctrine than with the influence of certain Washington intellectuals. Holmes's wife Fanny supplied domesticity, but the couple never had children; and Holmes's one great extra-marital romance with the Anglo-Irish aristocrat Clare Castletown was epistolary only. His self-control and his ambition, White suggests, allowed Holmes to concentrate on his work. That work, along with Holmes's stature as a "figure of public romance," will long stimulate students of history. Photos not seen by PW.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

In recent years the Holmes bookshelf has become increasingly crowded. This latest offering, provided by well-known and well-received judicial biographer White (law & history, Univ. of Virginia), belongs in a prominent spot in the library of any student of law in the United States. In the future, any treatment of this Brahmin from Boston will be judged against White's insightful account. Through his exhaustive research and lucid writing, Holmes the Justice becomes Holmes the man. It is White's thesis, made convincingly, that Holmes cannot be understood and evaluated accurately merely as a lawyer or justice; rather, his inner life and thoughts must be closely analyzed in order to assess his legacy. In particular, White provides extensive scrutiny of Holmes's coming to maturity in the 19th century; his analysis of Holmes's intellectual life, especially his contribution to American jurisprudence, is of special interest. This scholarly yet accessible biography is sure to become the standard work. Highly recommended.
- Stephen Shaw, Northwest Nazarene Coll., Nampa, Id.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 648 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (November 16, 1995)

  • 定价:¥49.0
  • 字数:760千字
  • 浏览次数:2177
这是关于霍姆斯传记的译著。书中全面介绍了霍姆斯的生平、生活经历、主要学术经历及学术思想,尤其是其在美国最高法院担任大法官期间的实践。本传记资 料翔实,写作严谨,不仅展现了霍姆斯丰富的生活经历,同时也深入探究了其法学理论的思想渊源,对于研究霍姆斯具有重要参考价值。原书作者为美国弗吉尼亚大 学著名法学和历史学教授,同时也为美国著名传记作家。On This Day
March 6, 1935

Washington Holds Bright Memories of Justice Holmes's Long and Useful Life

As Justice Holmes grew old he became a figure for legend. Eager young students of history and the law, with no possibility of an introduction to him, made pilgrimages to Washington merely that they might remember at least the sight of him on the bench of the Supreme Court. Others so fortunate as to be invited to his home were apt to consider themselves thereafter as men set apart. Their elders, far from discouraging this attitude, strengthened it.
A group of leading jurists and liberals filled a volume of essays in praise of him, and on the occasion of its presentation Chief Justice Hughes said:
"The most beautiful and the rarest thing in the world is a complete human life, unmarred, unified by intelligent purpose and uninterrupted accomplishment, blessed by great talent employed in the worthiest activities, with a deserving fame never dimmed and always growing. Such a rarely beautiful life is that of Mr. Justice Holmes."
Born in Boston in 1841
He was born on March 8, 1841, in Boston. The cultural dominance of New England was at its height. The West was raw, great parts of it wilderness as yet only sketchily explored. A majority of the nation's citizens still considered the enslavement of Negroes as the operation of a law of God, and Darwin had not yet published his "Origin of Species."
The circumstances of his birth were fortunate. His father, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, was of New England's ruling caste and the atmosphere of his home was at once brahminical, scientific and literary. They boy was to start each day at that "autocratic" breakfast table where a bright saying won a child a second helping of marmalade.
The boy was prepared for Harvard by E. S. Dixwell of Cambridge. He was fortunate again in this. Well-tutored, he made an excellent record in college. His intimacy with Mr. Dixwell's household was very close. His tutor's daughter, Fanny Dixwell, and he fell in love with each other and later they were married.
Fort Sumter was fired on and President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers. Young Holmes, 20 years old and shortly to be graduated from Harvard with the class of '61, walked down Beacon Hill with an open Hobbe's "Leviathan" in his hand and learned that he was commissioned in the Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteers.
The regiment, largely officered by young Harvard men and later to be known as the "Harvard Regiment," was ordered South and into action at Ball's Bluff. There were grave tactical errors and the Union troops were driven down the cliff on the Virginia shore and into the Potomac. Men trying to swim to safety were killed and wounded men were drowned.
Lieutenant Holmes, with a bullet through his breast, was placed in a boat with dying men and ferried through saving darkness to the Maryland shore.
His wound was serious, but the sufferer was young and storng. For convalescence he was returned to Boston. On his recovery he returned to the front.
At Antietam a bullet pierced his neck and again his condition was critical. Dr. Holmes, on learning the news, set out to search for his son. The search lasted many worried days and brought the father close to the lines at several points. He found his son already convalescent and brought him back to Boston, where he wrote his experiences under the title, "My Hunt for the Captain," an article that was enthusiastically received as bringing home to Boston a first-hand picture of the trials of war directly behind the lines.
Wounded a Third Time
Back at the front, the young officer was again wounded. A bullet cut through tendons and lodged in his heel. This wound was long in healing and Holmes was retired to Boston with the brevet ranks of Colonel and Major.
The emergency of war over, his life was his own again. There was the question, then, of what to do with it. Writing appealed to him. He had been class poet and prize essayist in college. But he finally turned to law, although it was long before he was sure that he had taken the best course.
"It cost me some years of doubt and unhappiness," he said later, "before I could say to myself: 'The law is part of the universe--if the universe can be thought about, one part must reveal it as much as another to one who can see that part. It is only a question if you have the eyes.'"
Philosophy and William James helped him find his legal eyes while he studied in Harvard Law School and James, a year younger, was studying medicine. Through long nights they discussed their "dilapidated old friend the Kosmos." James later was to write in affectionate reminiscence of "your whitely lit-up room, drinking in your profound wisdom, your golden jibes, your costly imagery, listening to your shuddering laughter."
But while James went on, continuing in Germany his search for the meanings of the universe, Holmes decided that "maybe the universe is too great a swell to have a meaning," that his task was to "make his own universe livable," and he drove deep into the study of the law.
He took his LL. B. in 1866 and went to Europe to climb some mountains. Early in 1867 he was admitted to the bar and James noted that "Wendell is working too hard." The hard work brought results. In 1870 he was made editor of the American Law Review.
Two years later, on June 17, 1872, he married Fanny Bowditch Dixwell and in March of the next year became a member of the law firm of Shattuck, Homes & Munroe, resigning his editorship but continuing to write articles for The Review. In that same year, 1873, his important edition of Kent's Commentaries appeared.
His papers, particularly one on English equity, which bristled with citations in Latin and German, showed that he was a master scholar where mastery meant labor and penetration. It was into these early papers that he put the fundamentals of an exposition of the law that he was later to deliver in Lowell Lectures at Harvard and to publish under the title, "The Common Law." In this book, to quote Benjamin N. Cardozo, he "packed a whole philosophy of legal method into a fragment of a paragraph."
The part to which Judge Cardozo referred reads:
"The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience. The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories, intuitions of public policy avowed or unconscious, even with the prejudices which judges share with their follow-men, have had a great deal more to do than the syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed. The law embodies the story of a nation's development through many centuries, and it cannot be dealt with as if it contained only the axioms and corollaries of a book of mathematics."
Judge Cardozo, commenting on this, wrote:
"The student of juristic method, bewildered in a maze of precedents, feels the thrill of a new apocalypse in the flash of this revealing insight. Here is the text to be unfolded. All that is to come will be development and commentary. Flashes there are like this in his earlier manner as in his latest, yet the flashes grow more frequent, the thunder peals more resonant, with the movement of the years."
Makes His Debut as Judge
Holmes was only 39 years old when Harvard called him back to teach in her Law School and 41 when he became an Associate Justice on the Massachusetts Supreme Court bench.
So in that great period when Joseph H. Choate could call a Federal income tax "sheer communism," the young Massachusetts justice could, with no bias, write dozens of dissenting opinions in which he expressed views that since have been molded into law.
He was Chief Justice on the Commonwealth bench when, in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt noted that Holmes's "labor decisions" were criticized by "some of the big railroad men and other members of large corporations." Oddly enough the successor of William McKinley thought that was "a strong point in Judge Holmes's favor."
In reference to this the President wrote to Henry Cabot Lodge:
"The ablest lawyers and greatest judges are men whose past has naturally brought them into close relationship with the wealthiest and most powerful clients and I am glad when I can find a judge who has been able to preserve his aloofness of mind so as to keep his broad humanity of feeling and his sympathy for the class from which he has not drawn clients."
In further expression of this approval he in 1902 appointed Judge Holmes to the Supreme Court of the United States, an appointment that was confirmed by the Senate immediately and unanimously.
In a dissenting opinion written early in his career on the Supreme bench Justice Holmes bluntly told his associates that the case in hand had been decided by the majority on an economic theory which a large part of the country did not entertain, that general principles do not decide concrete cases, that the outcome depends on a judgment or institution more subtle than any articulate major premise.
A great struggle between the forces of Theodore Roosevelt and the elder J. P. Morgan began on March 10, 1902, when the government filed suit in the United States Circuit Court for the district of Minnesota charging that the Great Northern Securities Company was "a virtual consolidation of two competing transcontinental lines" whereby not only would "monopoly of the interstate and foreign commerce, formerly carried on by them as competitors, be created," but, through use of the same machinery, "the entire railway systems of the country may be absorbed, merged, and consolidated."
In April, 1903, the lower court decided for the government and 8,000 pages of records and briefs went to the United States Supreme Court for final review. On March 14, 1904, the high court found for the government, with Justice Holmes writing in dissent.
He held that the Sherman act did not prescribe the rule of "free competition among those engaged in interstate commerce," as the majority held. It merely forbade "restraint of trade or commerce." He asserted that the phrases "restraint of competition" and "restraint of trade" did not have the same meaning; that "restraint of trade," which had "a definite and well-established significance in the common law, means and had always been understand to mean, a combination made by men engaged in a certain business for the purpose of keeping other men out of that business * * *."
The objection to trusts was not the union of former competitors, but the sinister power exercised, or supposed to be exercised, by the combination in keeping rivals out of the business, he said. It was the ferocious extreme of competition with others, not the cessation of competition among the partners, which was the evil feared.
"Much trouble," he continued, "is made by substituting other phrases, assumed to be equivalent, which are then argued from as if they were in the act. The court below argued as if maintaining competition were the express purpose of the act. The act says nothing about competition."
It was at this time that John Morley visited America and returned to England with the affirmation that in Justice Homes America possessed the greatest judge of the English- speaking world. Time has reinforced the emphasis. In his years on the Supreme Court bench he had done more to mold the texture of the Constitution than any man since John Marshall revealed to the American people what their new Constitution might imply.
Matthew Arnold, in his essay on the study of poetry, says that the best way to separate the gold from the alloy in the coinage of the poets is by the test of a few lines carried in the thoughts.
Excerpts From Holmes's Writings
From the opinions and other writings of Justice Holmes the following lines are some that might be used for this test:
"When men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas--that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes can be carried out. That, at any rate, is the theory of our Constitution. It is an experiment, as all life is an experiment."
"In the organic relations of modern society it may sometimes be hard to draw the line that is supposed to limit the authority of the Legislature to exercise or delegate the power of eminent domain. But to gather the streams from waste and to draw from them energy, labor without brains, and so to save mankind from toil that it can be spared, is to supply what, next to intellect, is the very foundation of all our achievements and all our welfare. If that purpose is not public, we should be at a loss to say what is."
"The Fourteenth Amendment does not enact Mr. Herbert Spencer's social statics."
"While the courts must exercise a judgment of their own, it by no means is true that every law is void which may seem to the judges who pass upon it, excessive, unsuited to its ostensible end, or based upon conceptions of morality with which they disagree. Considerable latitude must be allowed for difference of view as well as for possible peculiar conditions which this court can know but imperfectly, if at all. Otherwise a Constitution, instead of embodying only relatively fundamental rules of right, as generally understood by all English-speaking communities, would become the partisan of a particular set of ethical or economic opinions, which by no means are held semper ubique et ab omnibus."
His contribution to American life was not limited to the law. He lived as he advised others to live, in the "grand manner." He sought quality rather than quantity of experience and knowledge of his success in living helped others to find it, too.
On his ninetieth birthday he delivered a short radio speech in reply to tributes from Chief Justice Hughes and other leaders of the American bar.
From a Latin poet he quoted the words:
"Death plucks my ears and says, 'Live--I am coming.'"
And in one line he gave the core of a life philosophy:
"To live is to function; that is all there is to living."
Left Bench Jan. 12, 1932
Justice Holmes resigned on Jan. 12, 1932. "The time has now come and I bow to the inevitable," he wrote to the President. He left, amid national regret, almost thirty years after he had been appointed to the Supreme Court bench.
Soon after that, in a message to the Federal Bar Association, Justice Holmes wrote:
"I cannot say farewell to life and you in formal words. Life seems to me like a Japanese picture which our imagination does not allow to end with the margin. We aim at the infinite, and when our arrow falls to earth it is in flames.
"At times the ambitious ends of life have made it seem to me lonely, but it has not been. You have given me the companionship of dear friends who have helped to keep alive the fire in my heart. If I could think that I had sent a spark to those who come after, I should be ready to say good-bye."
Justice Holmes was an honorary member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, London, to which also belonged such men as Oliver Cromwell, William Pitt, Benjamin Disraeli and William Ewart Gladstone.
Soon after retiring, his salary was cut in two by reason of the economy law. It was restored to $20,000 a year a few months later, however, by special action of the Senate.
In the Fall of 1931 appeared the "Representative Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes."
Mrs. Holmes died on April 30, 1929.

2014年3月23日 星期日

Matthew Arnold: Selected Poems and Prose; Culture and Anarchy (1869) 《友誼的花環》 Friendship's Garland (1871)

Selected Poems & Prose
by Matthew Arnold

This selection of poems and prose is invaluable in showing the "unity in diversity" of Arnold's creative intelligence, which probed in powerful lyrics the maladies of the modern condition. These poems join here with provocative essays on education, society, and religion, including his major central work, "The Study of Poetry," to provide a unique introduction to one of the
the major critics of the eighteenth century.
Published by Heinemann Educational Books (first published 1939)

Everyman Library 1978/1993, papperback,

Selected Poems & Prose (Everyman's Library (Paper)) Paperback – November 15, 1993

by Matthew Arnold (Author)
Part of the "Everyman" series which has been re-set with wide margins for notes and easy-to-read type. Each title includes a themed introduction by leading authorities on the subject, life-and-times chronology of the author, text summaries, annotated reading lists and selected criticism and notes.


Matthew Arnold was also one of the most important literary critics of his age. From 1857 to 1867 he was Professor of Poetry at Oxford; during this time he wrote his first books of criticism, including On Translating Homer (1861), Essays in Criticism (1865; Ser. 2, 1888), and On the Study of Celtic Literature (1867). In Culture and Anarchy (1869) and Friendship's Garland (1871) he widened his field to include social criticism.

Culture and Anarchy (1869) and Friendship's Garland (1871) 兩書都有翻譯本

-----  Don Delillo 大都會( Cosmopolis) 梁永安譯, 台北:寶瓶文化出版社,2012 63
梁永安譯的 唐.德里羅的小說不錯,不過這類的小說也需要大量的歐美文化不(含系統/統計和財經等等)背景。馬克.羅斯科(Mark Rothko) 和教堂的故事: Rothko wanted only that his canvases make people cry  《羅斯科傳》Mark Rothko, A Biography
譯者可能將Arnold's Culture and Anarchy一書的 Sweetness and light - Wikipedia,
翻錯: “我喜愛數據 那是我們的光和甜心” (53)

Sweetness and light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweetness_and_light - Cached
Jump to Popularization of Sweetness and Light in cultural criticism‎: ... criticism, Culture and Anarchy. ... to confer "sweetness and light, and he ...

Chapter 1. Sweetness and Light

www.victorianweb.org/authors/arnold/writings/1.html - Cached
... readers of the Victorian Web this chapter from Arnold's Culture and Anarchy ..... The euphyÕs is the man who tends towards sweetness and light; the aphyÕs ...

友誼的花環 北京: 中國文學出版社 2000

《友誼的花環》書前介紹是一本隨筆作品集,后面卻又說成一部書信体小說,書中又將essay 翻譯成論文....由於本書翻譯幾乎未附原文 書中太多街名人名等等 使人迷糊....


Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888

One can by no means pass over Arnold's humor in a discussion of his
style, yet humor is certainly a secondary matter with him, in spite of
the frequency of its appearance. It is not much found in his more
intimate and personal writing, his poetry and his familiar letters. In
such a book as _Friendship's Garland_, where it is most in evidence, it
is plainly a literary weapon deliberately assumed. In fact, Arnold is
almost too conscious of the value of humor in the gentle warfare in
which he had enlisted. Its most frequent form is that of playful satire;
it is the product of keen wit and sane mind, and it is always directed
toward some serious purpose, rarely, if ever, existing as an end in

“Delenda est Carthago.”
                 ―――大プリニウス 『博物誌』
Manibus date lilia plenis.

Asgaard - Manibus Date Lilia Plenis lyrics

But it's not the end of existence
In the mirror of a night
The shadow of our rapture
Give me your hand
We will collect the jewels of a night, together...

The tops of devilish conceptions
Ran with scarlet of evil
In the arms of sadness, tear comes to the world
She bore the path of dreams
In ravishing dance
We waste our lives
Is it worth to be devoid of passions?

Only love lets us touch the essence of existence
Rapture is its beginning
The end...?
I believe it can last forever
Like flower proudly blossom in the
Embraces of everlasting desires

2014年3月22日 星期六

In Search of Oxford, The Oxford Book of Oxford / The Oxford Tutorial: "Thanks, You Taught Me How to Think,

In Search of Oxford
Darting between past and present, the bookish and the bucolic, the author peels back layers of this quintessential English college town.

The Oxford Book of Oxford (Oxford Books) [Paperback] oUP 1978

Jan Morris
 In this entertaining and lively anthology, Jan Morris traces the history of Oxford University from its foundation in the Middle Ages through to the twentieth century, combining extracts from contemporary observers with her own informative commentary.

The reader is invited to view the development of the college system, the creation of the Bodleian, Magdalen's defiance of James II, Newman, and the Oxford Movement. The life and times of Oxford are exalted or derided by writers ranging from the antiquarian Anthony Wood to Evelyn Waugh, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Gladstone, Hilaire Belloc and Thomas Hardy. Unworldly scholars and eccentric dons walk the pages, accompanied by the great characters of Oxford such as Benjamin Jowett, Sir Maurice Bowra, and William Spooner.

List of books about Oxford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_books_about_Oxford - Cached
Below is a list of books about Oxford or written in Oxford, England. The city of Oxford has generated and inspired much literature. Many authors have lived in ...


高等教育何以为“高” :牛津导师制教学反思
【作 者】:(英)大卫·帕尔菲曼(David Palpreyman)主编 ; 冯青来译

對我而言 此中文書只是資訊 方便

牛津大學此一"高教政策研究中心"很值得過去研究 下載其資源

Palfreyman, David, ed. The Oxford Tutorial: "Thanks, You Taught Me How to Think,
" 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, 2008.

THE OXFORD TUTORIAL: 'Thanks, you taught me how to think'

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of our initial meeting and the boy who said 'thank you, you taught me how to think.' I couldn't agree more. The Oxford tutorial system… was without question ...
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Education. Policy. Studies, at New College, Oxford, OX1 3BN, UK (www.new ...
oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/Publications/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP1.doc - 類似內容

2014年3月21日 星期五

施特勞斯韋伯與科學的政治研究/ Leo Strauss as Teacher

  Leo Strauss 是當年芝加哥大學政治系之名師。
Herbert Simon 是該系另外一學派----行為學派。
最近20年 Leo Strauss 的學生成為美國新保守主義大本營,所以 Leo Strauss 的學說再成為顯學......

The Leo Strauss Center: Promoting the Study of Leo Strauss's Thought

The Leo Strauss Center seeks to promote the serious study of Leo Strauss's thought primarily through the preservation and publication of the unpublished ...

Courses: Audio & Transcripts

Listed below is the collection of audio files and transcripts of ...

Hegel, The Philosophy of History

Hegel, The Philosophy of History, winter quarter 1965. "Seminar ...

Lecture Audio

Listed below is the collection of audio files of Strauss's ...

About the Leo Strauss Center

The Leo Strauss Center seeks to promote the serious study of ...

Kant, spring quarter 1967.

Kant, spring quarter 1967. "Seminar in Kant" has 17 ...

Life & Thought

Leo Strauss was born in 1899 in the town of Kirchhain in Hesse ...



Leo Strauss as Teacher - reflections by former students (1 of 2)

The University of Chicago The University of Chicago
Published on Mar 20, 2014
The Leo Strauss Center held a conference on "Leo Strauss as Teacher" on April 22-23 in Social Science 122 (a lecture hall where Strauss himself occasionally taught) on the campus of the University of Chicago.

The conference marked the publication on the Center's website of digitally remastered audiofiles made from the surviving audiotapes of Leo Strauss's courses. It provided an opportunity to remember, think about, and discuss the example Strauss provided of a great teacher and to talk about the issues involved in preparing the transcripts of his courses for publication.

For more about the Leo Strauss Center visit:

The individuals on this panel all studied with Strauss in his early days at the University of Chicago.
Chair: Nathan Tarcov - University of Chicago
Ralph Lerner - University of Chicago (starts at 21:30)
Victor Gourevitch - Wesleyan University (starts at 35:45)
Hilail Gildin - Queens College, City University of New York (starts at 59:08)
Robert Faulkner - Boston College ( starts at 1:09:30)
Group discussion (starts at 1:22:30)
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    Standard YouTube License

Leo Strauss Max Weber and the Scientific Study ...

Nasser Behnegar - 2003 - 235 頁

Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics

作者:Nasser Behnegar


  • 作者:(美)貝納加|主編:劉小楓|譯者:陸月宏
  • 出版社:華東師大



目錄 中譯本前言
第一章 相對主義時代的政治科學
第二章 相對主義時代的政治哲學
第三章 事實—價值的分野與虛無主義
第四章 事實—價值的分野與作為理論追求的社會科學
第五章 社會科學的問題
第六章 施特勞斯反對新政治科學的論戰
第七章 新政治科學
第八章 反抗舊政治科學
第九章 新政治科學與自由民主政體
索引 有比沒有好不過此索引很差

2014年3月20日 星期四



第一章 總則
第一條 目標
第二條 定義
五、「服務提供者」指兩岸任一方提供服務的任何人。如該服務不是由法人直接提供,而是透過分支機構或辦事處等其他形式的商業據點呈現提供,則該服務 提供者(即該法人)仍應透過該商業據點呈現享有本協議所給予的待遇。此類待遇應擴大至提供該服務的呈現方式,但不需擴大至該服務提供者位於提供服務的一方 之外的任何其他部分。
第三條 範圍
第二章 義務與規範
第四條 公平待遇
一、一方對於列入其在世界貿易組織中所作服務貿易特定承諾表、「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」附件四「服務貿易早期收穫部門及開放措施」及本協議附件 一「服務貿易特定承諾表」的服務部門,在遵守前述承諾表或開放措施所列任何條件和資格的前提下,就影響服務提供的所有措施而言,對另一方的服務和服務提供 者所給予的待遇,不得低於其給予該一方同類服務和服務提供者的待遇。
第五條 訊息公開與提供
第六條 管理規範
第七條 商業行為
五、除本條第一款至第四款所指的商業行為外,服務提供者的相關商業行為可能會抑制競爭,從而限制服務貿易。在此情形下,一方應就另一方請求進行磋 商,以期消除此類商業行為。被請求方對此類請求應給予充分和積極的考慮,並儘可能提供與所涉事項有關且可公開獲得的非機密訊息。被請求方依其規定,在與請 求方就保障機密性達成一致的前提下,應向請求方提供其他可獲得的訊息。
第八條 緊急情況的磋商
第九條 支付和移轉
第十條 確保對外收支平衡的限制
第十一條 例外
第十二條 合作
第三章 特定承諾
第十三條 市場開放
對於本協議第二條第一款所指的服務提供模式的市場開放,一方對另一方的服務和符合本協議附件二及本協議其他所列條件的服務提供者給予的待遇,不得低 於該方在本協議附件一及「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」附件四中列明的內容和條件。對以本協議第二條第一款第一目、第三目所指模式提供的服務,如一方就其作 出市場開放承諾,則該方應允許相關的資本移動。
第十四條 其他承諾
第十五條 特定承諾表
第十六條 逐步減少服務貿易限制
第十七條 承諾表的修改
第四章 其他條款
第十八條 聯繫機制
第十九條 檢視
第二十條 爭端解決
第二十一條 文書格式
第二十二條 附件
第二十三條 修正
第二十四條 生效
附件一 服務貿易特定承諾表
附件二 關於服務提供者的具體規定
財團法人海峽交流基金會 海峽兩岸關係協會
董事長 林中森 會長 陳德銘


2014年3月18日 星期二

ASIA FOR THE ASIANS: “亞洲屬亞洲人”/ 宮崎滔天 《三十三年の夢》


March 04, 2014
  前畑市長回國後在記者會上表示:「比預期中的氣氛還要好,雖然兩國外交關係陷入緊張。但荒尾市和上海市始終保持友好關係,能夠 順利進行展覽真是太好了。」2012年,荒尾市曾派出由15名中學生所組成的友好交流訪問團前往上海。如今,荒尾市也考慮在未來邀請上海的中學生造訪日 本。   雖然日中關係持續惡化,一個記述著辛亥革命領導人孫中山,及其支持者宮崎滔天所結下之深刻友誼的資料展,正在上海展出。   該資料展由荒尾市、熊本縣、上海市人民對外友好協會等機構共同主辦。在孫中山度過晚年的上海孫中山故居紀念館中,展示了由荒尾 市所提供的牌匾、掛軸、照片等史料複製品。此一展覽原本應該2012年舉辦,但當時因為釣魚台列嶼領土問題而被迫延期,而此次資料展將持續展至3月31 日。   根據荒尾市表示,包括宮崎滔天的後代子孫在內,共有80名日中相關人士出席了1月23日的開幕典禮。荒尾市市長前畑淳治致辭時 表示:「透過資料展能夠加深相互間的了解,希望能夠進一步地推動兩國間的友好交流。」上海市人民對外友好協會副會長汪小澍也回應道:「能夠舉辦這個資料 展,真的感到非常高興。今後也想繼續互相交流。」

Meiji Japanese who sought to improve China

ASIA FOR THE ASIANS: China in the Lives of Five Meiji Japanese, by Paula S. Harrell. Merwin Asia, 2012, 407 pp., $35 (paperback)亞洲屬於亞洲人:五位明治日本人與中國,由Paula S.哈勒爾。默溫(亞洲)出版,2012年,407頁,35元(平裝)
The radical makeover Japan prescribed itself in the course of the Meiji reforms, driven by entirely justified fear of Western domination, fundamentally changed conditions in East Asia. The threats of European and American encroachment prompted Japan to howl with the wolves, while China continued to believe in its time-tested cultural superiority.
News photo
While the Chinese tried to resist the imperialist powers, the Japanese joined them. They emulated Western institutions, technologies and habits, and, observing China's weakness, turned increasingly to the West. Japan's unexpected victory over China in 1895 could only strengthen the hands of those who considered Qing China a basket case and subscribed to the "Leaving Asia" ideology.
To be sure, disdain for China took hold in Japan; yet, cultural affinity, feelings of awe for an age-old tradition, and resentment of Western arrogance fed a strong pro-China counter-current among Meiji Japanese elites. The book under review here probes the depth of this current and, in so doing, draws a differentiated picture of the complexities of Sino-Japanese relations during the Meiji Era.
The author's approach is biographical. She portrays five Japanese individuals, born between 1860 and 1875, who, in one way or another, were involved in Japanese interests operating in China in the Meiji Era. Atsumaro Konoe, a prince, influential politician and president of the Peers School (later to become Gakushuin University) was a strong advocate of an "Asia for the Asians" policy. China scholar and educationalist Unokichi Hattori served to set up an institution of higher education in Beijing and witnessed the convulsions of the Boxer uprising. Misako Kawahara went to China as a pioneer female teacher, accepting a position in Shanghai first and then moving to Mongolia to set up Japanese-style schooling in Karachin. Naniwa Kawashima was a fervent anti-Western adventurer who immersed himself into the study of Chinese and rose to a position of considerable influence in the Qing bureaucracy. Nagao Ariga, cosmopolitan professor of international law of Tokyo Senmon Gakko (predecessor of Waseda University) and editor of Japan's first foreign policy journal, served as legal expert in the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War and later advised the Chinese government on constitutional reform.
The life stories of these five figures are well worth telling. They were extraordinarily gifted and energetic individuals who lived through turbulent times. Harrell's narrative sheds much light on how they were drawn, each in their own different way, into the evolving drama that unfolded between a weakly governed China, Western powers' designs for extending their influence in East Asia, and their own country, which tried hard to gain a place among "civilized nations" and succeeded in this endeavor to the extent that it waged "just wars" against China and Russia.
Their actions were rife with contradictions as were those of the major players of the international power game. The Japanese government was determined to curb European and American interference in Asia, but sided with the Western powers to subdue an anti-Western uprising in China. Proclaiming Japanese solidarity with China was not incompatible with condoning Manchu separatism or advocating a Japanese mandate in Manchuria. Embracing Western institutions of governance, while holding on to Confucianism; participating in the quest to develop a rules-based system of international conflict resolution, while engaging in horrendous atrocities on the battlefield (in Port Arthur).
Those were some of the contradictions that weren't necessarily perceived as such. They grew out of objective conditions, shifting power relations in Asia and the quagmire of Chinese politics, and were reflected in the actions of the five protagonists of this book as well as many other Japanese individuals. Going to China as technical experts, educators and diplomats, they held positive feelings toward the country whose tradition they revered. At the same time they embodied Japan's ambition to become a global player, which was realized to a large extent on the ruins of the disintegrating Qing empire. Much like the Western nations they emulated, the Japanese pursued an aggressive diplomacy backed up by military force, in the interest, they professed, of expanding the rule of law. Their success on the battlefield proved them right, but also sowed the seeds of cynicism about the opportunistic nature of the Western-dominated world order.
In 1911, the curtain fell on the Meiji period and on the Qing dynasty. Reading "Asia for the Asians" helps to appreciate the difference this turning point meant for Japan, which had largely completed its modernization program, and China, which was only hesitantly embarking on its own. Many Japanese, the five individuals whose careers are recounted in this book among them, thought that what had transformed their country could be replicated in China and were willing to help bring this about. They each had their own expectations and motives for going to China.

As Harrell expertly shows, imperialism wasn't on their mind; however, in their capacities as teachers, advisers and legal experts, they participated, some more deliberately than others, in shaping Japan's new role in Asia and the world.

Florian Coulmas is director of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (DIJ). His recent book, written together with Ralph Luetzeler, is titled "Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany."弗洛里安Coulmas是東京的德國研究所日本研究所(DIJ)主任。他最近的一本書,寫與拉爾夫Luetzeler合著,題目是日本和德國的人口內爆。”


由Florian COULMAS




筆者的做法是個人簡歷。她描繪了五家日本個人,1860年和1875年之間出生的人,在這種或那種方式,參與了日本在明治時代在中國經營的利益。 Atsumaro近衛,一個王子,有影響的政治家和總統的同齡人學校(後來成為學習院大學)是一個大力倡導的“亞洲的亞洲人”的政策。中國的學者和教育家服部宇之吉服部擔任設立在北京的高等教育機構,見證了抽搐的義和團起義。美佐子川原的先驅女教師到中國去,接受上海第一的位置,然後移動到蒙古設立的日式教育在Karachin。川島浪速是一個狂熱的反西方的冒險家,全身心的投入到研究中國在清朝官僚機構和相當大的影響力上升到的位置。長尾有賀,國際化的教授,國際法東京Senmon樂戶(早稻田大學前身)及日本的第一個外國政策雜誌的編輯,擔任法律專家中的中日戰爭和Russo日本戰爭和以後建議,中國政府對憲政改革。






----- 宮崎滔天

1013 東京各大報首先報導武昌首義之消息….” (《三十三年之夢‧附錄 年譜》)

33年之夢》宮崎滔天著 啟彥譯 台北:帕米爾 1984

宮崎滔天(みやざき とうてん,1871年1月23日-1922年12月6日)本名寅藏(或作虎藏),號白浪庵滔天,世以號稱。是一位支持辛亥革命的日本革命家,孫中山的日本好友。他同時也是一名浪花節作家,藝名為桃中軒牛右衛門(とうちゅうけん うしえもん)。


1891年,滔天初到上海。本打算同岩本千綱一起,開始著手暹羅殖民計劃。然而,當時的時局非常複雜,日本和清政府的關係愈加緊張,天道教準備組建軍隊。最終,計劃未成功。回國後,他接到外務省的任命,被派去調查中國秘密結社的情況。從而開始了與中國革命黨人的聯繫。 1897年,宮崎滔天結識了孫中山,從此以後開始為中國的革命運動提供幫助。後來,中國的革命運動遭受挫折,滔天心灰意冷,拜桃中軒雲右衛門為師,作了一名浪曲作家。但他始終不忘革命事業,一直為同盟會的成立奔走效力。 1898年,同戊戌政變後逃往香港的康有為一起,回到日本。 1899年,美菲戰爭爆發,宮崎滔天在朝野間斡旋,並參與了介入戰爭的計劃。 1900年,袍哥會、三合會及興中會三派聯合,發動惠州起義。滔天前往拜見在新加坡的康有為,勸說其改保皇轉而支持孫中山革命。卻與康有為衝突,而被指控為刺客,受到警方追捕。宮崎滔天隨後逃往香港,但還是被港英政府當局逮捕下獄,後經孫中山等營救獲釋。 宮崎滔天曾與孫中山談及革命事業,高嘆在日本國內的計劃總是無法實施,加上資金短缺,使得宏偉的政治藍圖總成畫餅。

近年刊行の著作 [編集]

  • 『近代日本の狂と夢 滔天文選』 書肆心水、2006年
  • 『宮崎滔天 アジア革命奇譚集』 書肆心水  同年 渡辺京二解説


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