2011年10月5日 星期三

Richard McGregor《黨:中共統治者的神秘世界》

Just like the Communist Party.共產黨管理法!標語、員工海報張掛海爾集團...

馬利德(Richard McGregor)
《黨:中共統治者的神秘世界》 中文版已出版: "黨就像上帝,看不見摸不著,但它無處不在。"




大陸許多看似私人企業的公司行號,其實 是隱藏的公營,或半公半私。外商與其合作,資金到位後,不久陸商就開始以虧損或擴大為由增資。陸商以土地、廠房為資本,年年增資,越增越多,只須公家多劃 塊地、多撥幾間廠房,但外商必須拿出資金。若不堪賠累拿不出來,資本的比率逐年減少,最後變成小股,遭陸商吞食殆盡。這只是陸商手段中的一項,其他光怪陸 離的手段不勝枚舉。
有的被騙台商連回台灣的路費都遭騙光,只好在大陸流浪,靠台灣人接濟,也沒臉回台。受害回台的台商於是組成受害商會,準備下周在台發起遊行。發起 人之一竟接到福建官員電話警告,揚言派人來台蒐證(不必派人來,台灣已有人專替中國蒐證。前天就逮捕一個替中國蒐證中國訪台人士言行的台灣副教授,台商自 然也在監視之內),若鬧事將對其不利。由於這種行事風格很像中國政府對待異議份子的模式,因此有其可信性。如果前述為真,中國的經濟發展背後不是法律的長 久支撐,而是政府鼓勵的掠奪式叢林法則在支撐。




陸商詐騙侵吞台商毫無內疚,是因為他們相信政府的宣傳:國民黨撤離大陸時帶走黃金, 台灣因而致富,而中國因而貧窮,所以騙台商是取回應該屬於我們的錢。事實是台灣正確的經濟政策而致富,中國因為過去錯誤的經濟政策而貧窮。如果黃金是原 因,那為什麼中國近30年快速富有起來?台灣把黃金還給中國了嗎?陸商侵吞外商毫無內疚,是要報復1840年以來帝國主義欺負中國人的仇恨,所以不但不內 疚,還洋洋自得;搞了洋女人也炫耀為報八國聯軍之仇。當民族主義遮蔽理性、扭曲事實、掏空道德良心,這樣的國家完全不值得尊敬,不但無恥墮落,也非常危 險。


Chapter VI

Party Cadres

Article 33. Party cadres are the backbone of the Party’s cause and public servants of the people. The Party selects its cadres according to the principle that they should possess both political integrity and professional competence, adheres to the practice of appointing people on their merits and opposes favoritism; it exerts genuine efforts to make the ranks of the cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and more professionally competent.

The Party attaches great importance to education, training, selection and assessment of cadres, especially to the training and selection of outstanding young cadres. The Party actively promotes the reform of the cadre system.

The Party attaches great importance to the training and promotion of women cadres and cadres from among the ethnic minorities.

Article 34. Leading Party cadres at all levels must show exemplary performance in carrying out their duties as Party members prescribed in Article 3 of this Constitution and must meet the following basic requirements:

1) Know Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory well enough to perform their duties, earnestly put the important thought of Three Represents into practice, take the lead in applying the Scientific Outlook on Development, try hard to analyze and solve practical problems with the stand, viewpoint and methods of Marxism, keep stressing study, political awareness and integrity, and be able to stand the test of all trials and tribulations.

2) Have the lofty ideal of communism and firm conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly implement the Party’s basic line, principles and policies, be determined to carry out reform and opening up, devote themselves to the cause of modernization, work hard to start undertakings in socialist construction, foster a correct view on evaluating their performances and make solid achievements that can stand the test of practice and time to the satisfaction of the people.

3) Persist in emancipating their minds, seeking truth from facts, keeping up with the times and blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit; conduct earnest investigations and studies so as to be able to integrate the Party’s principles and policies with the actual conditions in their localities or departments and work efficiently; tell the truth, do practical work, seek tangible results and oppose formalism.

4) Be fervently dedicated to the revolutionary cause and imbued with a strong sense of political responsibility, have practical experience, and be qualified for leading posts in organizational ability, general education and vocational knowledge.

5) Properly exercise the power invested in them by the people, handle matters according to law, be upright and clean and work diligently for the people, set an example by their own actions, work hard and live simply, maintain close ties with the masses, uphold the Party’s mass line, conscientiously accept the criticism and oversight by the Party and the masses, improve their moral standards, exercise self-respect, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation, combat bureaucratism, and fight against malpractices such as abuse of power for personal gain.

6) Uphold the Party’s system of democratic centralism, maintain a democratic style of work, take the overall situation into consideration, and be good at uniting and working with other comrades, including those who hold differing opinions.

Article 35. Party cadres should be able to cooperate with non-Party cadres, respect them and be open-minded in learning from their strong points.

Party organizations at all levels must be good at discovering and recommending talented non-Party cadres with practical learning for leading posts, and ensure that the latter enjoy authority commensurate with their posts and can fully play their roles.

Article 36. Leading Party cadres at all levels, whether elected through democratic procedure or appointed by a leading body, are not entitled to lifelong tenure, and they can be transferred from or relieved of their posts.

Cadres no longer fit to continue working due to old age or poor health should retire according to the regulations of the state.

第六章 黨的幹部













