2012年9月1日 星期六

George Orwell 大戰時的日記和書信選


Reviewed by BARRY GEWEN
George Orwell's diaries covered everything from his strong feelings about World War II to his careful counting of eggs laid by Moroccan hens.


About this collection

For two years, between 1941 and 1943, George Orwell - real name Eric Blair - was BBC staff member 9889, hired as a Talks Producer for the Eastern Service to write what was essentially propaganda for broadcast to India.
From recruitment to resignation, this collection of documents reveals the high regard in which Orwell was held by his colleagues and superiors and his own uncompromising integrity and honesty. Internal memos explore working relationships with literary contributors, while letters written from the Hebridean island of Jura colour the background to the creation of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'.
---- 翻譯本無法了解George Orwell 的文風 可是可以知道他的價值觀和想法

中國幾乎翻譯了 George Orwell 的大部分作品
不過他們的壞習慣是完全中文處理 無索引其實讀者無法了解背景
此文介紹George Orwell 第二次世界大戰時的日記和全部書信選集

奧威爾書信集 甘險峰
  • 出版社: 贵州人民出版社; 第1版 (2001年10月1日)
  • 丛书名: 沉钟译丛
  • 平装: 449页
  • 正文语种: 简体中文
  • 开本: 32

戰時日記 孫宜學 廣西師範 2006
孫先生已將奧威爾書信集 文字潤飾過 (他們採用相同原本)
不過 少數粗心問題 如貴族 Lady 翻譯成 "女士"
在許多更深入的文化注解 此翻譯也不理想
Blimps , hiding, wipe the floor with
The Orwell Diaries: a daily extract from Orwell's diary from the same date seventy years before

