2015年11月14日 星期六

Julian Barnes,福樓拜的鸚鵡(Flaubert's Parrot)

“Women scheme when they are weak, they lie out of fear. Men scheme when they are strong, they lie out of arrogance.”
― Julian Barnes, Flaubert's Parrot
A kind of detective story, relating a cranky amateur scholar's search for the truth about Gustave Flaubert, and the obsession of this detective whose life seems to oddly mirror those of Flaubert's characters.

Julian Barnes,福樓拜的鸚鵡(Flaubert's Parrot)湯永寬譯,上海:譯文,2005

精裝約twd 70,價錢可能是兩年前臺灣版本的1/6(福婁拜的鸚鵡, 朱利安.拔恩斯/, 麥田, 2004/02/15, $405. 3)。


福樓拜:「為朋友立傳時,寫法要像報復他似的。」【為他報復」(taking revenge for him)譯成「報復他」(書首引文)Flaubert may have had in mind when he wrote to Ernest Feydeau, ''When you write the biography of a friend, you must do it as if you were taking revenge for him.''

