2016年3月4日 星期五

Paul Klee

3,900 Pages of Paul Klee’s Personal Notebooks Are Now Online, Presenting His Bauhaus Teachings (1921-1931)

Paul Klee led an artistic life that spanned the 19th and 20th centuries, but he kept his aesthetic sensibility tuned to the future. Because of that, much of the Swiss-German Bauhaus-associated painter’s work, which at its most distinctive defines its own category of abstraction, still exudes a vitality today.

And he left behind not just those 9,000 pieces of art (not counting the hand puppetshe made for his son), but plenty of writings as well, the best known of which came out in English as Paul Klee Notebooks, two volumes (The Thinking Eye and The Nature of Nature) collecting the artist’s essays on modern art and the lectures he gave at the Bauhaus schools in the 1920s.

“These works are considered so important for understanding modern art that they are compared to the importance that Leonardo’s A Treatise on Painting had for Renaissance,” says Monoskop. Their description also quotes critic Herbert Read, who described the books as “the most complete presentation of the principles of design ever made by a modern artist – it constitutes the Principia Aesthetica of a new era of art, in which Klee occupies a position comparable to Newton’s in the realm of physics.”

More recently, the Zentrum Paul Klee made available online almost all 3,900 pages of Klee’s personal notebooks, which he used as the source for his Bauhaus teaching between 1921 and 1931. If you can’t read German, his extensively detailed textual theorizing on the mechanics of art (especially the use of color, with which he struggled before returning from a 1914 trip to Tunisia declaring, “Color and I are one. I am a painter”) may not immediately resonate with you. But his copious illustrations of all these observations and principles, in their vividness, clarity, and reflection of a truly active mind, can still captivate anybody — just as his paintings do.

via Monoskop

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Based in Seoul, Colin Marshall writes and broadcasts on cities, language, and style. He’s at work on a book about Los Angeles, A Los Angeles Primer, the video series The City in Cinema, the crowdfunded journalism project Where Is the City of the Future?, and the Los Angeles Review of Books’ Korea Blog. Follow him on Twitter at @colinmarshall or on Facebook.

Paul Klee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

保羅.克利(1879-1940)是二十世紀最重要的藝術家之一,他畫得美也寫得妙,十九歲開始動筆寫日記,直至一九一八年為止。這部日記本來只供克利個 人審思之用,並不打算出版,克利在生前不淮任何人接近他最私秘的告白。本書將整個克利的世界,生動地展現在年輕一代的面前,克利的日記引介我們走入他的生 活及音樂、繪畫、文學的國度。喜歡研究克利藝術的朋友,精讀這部文獻,將可看到一朵意外的美妙的花為他們盛開。

Klee, Paul, 1879-1940
書名/作者 Paul Klee / text by Will Grohmann ; [translated by Norbert Guterman]
出版項 New York : H.N. Abrams, 1985

此書湖南美術出版社1990年代有翻譯本 Klee 的墓碣採用雨云女士的翻譯 不過沒說明

The Klee Universe

The Klee Universe

Christine Hopfengart (Author), Dieter Scholz (Editor), Christina Thomson (Editor), Paul Klee (Author)
There are artists whose métier is the observation or documentation of the world, and artists who set the world aside altogether to build their own visionary cosmology, designing its constituent parts from scratch as a personal mythology relayed in motifs. Paul Klee (1879-1940) was such an artist, as his aphorism "Art does not reproduce the visible, rather it makes visible" testifies, and The Klee Universe addresses his work from this perspective. In 1906, Klee noted in his diary, "All will be Klee," and in 1911, as the encyclopedist of his cosmos, he began to meticulously chronicle his works in a catalogue that, by the time he died, was to contain more than 9,000 items. Here, in the fashion of an Orbis Pictus or a Renaissance emblem book, Klee's oeuvre is made legible as a cogent entirety, in thematic units address: the human life cycle, from birth and childhood to sexual desire, parenthood and death; music, architecture, theater and religion; plants, animals and landscapes; and, finally, darker, destructive forces in the shape of war, fear and death. The Klee Universe reimagines the artist as a Renaissance man, an artist of great learning whose cosmos proves to be a coherent system of ideas and images.
Paul Klee (1879-1940) was born and died in Switzerland, though he never obtained Swiss citizenship. Technically of German nationality, he taught at the Bauhaus from 1921 to 1926, alongside Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc and others. Seventeen of his works were included in the Nazi's infamous 1937 Munich exhibition of "degenerate art."

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Hatje Cantz (April 1, 2009)
  • Language: English


保羅克利-天使之靜默 = Paul Klee, the silence of the angel / Alégria, INA, ARTE France製作
出版項 臺南縣仁德鄉 : 奇美實業, [2009?]

其他書名 Paul Klee, the silence of the angel

保羅克利 : 天使之靜默


Paul Klee : the silence of the angel

The silence of the angel
稽核項 1張DVD(約52分) : 有聲,彩色 ; 4 3/4吋
資料形式 錄影資料
附註 2006年加拿大蒙特婁第二十四屆國際藝術電影節之最佳教育電影獎


2005年ARTE France/ ALEGRIA/ INA版權


盛裝盒上題名:保羅.克利-天使之靜默(The silence of the angel: Paul Klee)

製作人:Christine Camdessus;導演:Michael Gaumnitz;剪輯:Françoise Arnaud;攝影:Jean-Claude Ducouret;音樂:Grégoire Hetzel
摘要 <<保羅.克利-天使之靜默>>探索一位色彩建構大師的藝術世界,此人也是二十世紀的偉大畫家.保羅.克利 (1879-1940)一生創作豐富,生後留下了九千幅作品傳世,這些畫作遊走於當時各個知名藝術運動的邊緣.如同康丁斯基與德洛內,克利大膽地革新構圖 與色彩運用的傳統概念,他質疑形式、線條與色彩.他傾聽大自然,傾聽時代的聲音,傾聽音樂與詩歌,並創造出由符號構成的語彙.克利超越抽象與具象的對立, 其畫作以動態、韻律為基礎,並從對立與張力找到靈感,因而成就一幅幅變化豐富的作品.


Paul Klee

Child's  Play 1926

steersman 1940

Steersman 1940

主要作者 Klee, Paul, 1879-1940
書名/作者 The diaries of Paul Klee, 1898-1918 / Edited, with an introduction by Felix Klee
出版項 Berkeley : University of California Press, c1992
稽核項 xx, 434 p. : illus., facsims., ports. ; 21 cm
附註 "First complete English-language version ... based upon the text of the German hardcover edition, published ... in 1957."

  Geelhaar, Christian (1972).
 保羅克利 吳瑪

克里斯提安.哥爾哈爾著; 吳瑪{忄利} 譯
出版項台北: 藝術家, 1987

