2021年2月21日 星期日

Hagakure {葉隱聞書};新渡戸稲造 『武士道』Bushido: The book that changed Japan’s image

新渡戸稲造 『武士道』
BBC Culture

The international image of the samurai, for whom honour and loyalty are more valuable than life, is thanks in part to a small book written in English.

Bushido: The book that changed Japan’s image
Published in 1900, Bushido: The Soul of Japan shaped how the nation was perceived around the world, writes Michiyo Nakamoto.

 協志工業叢書 武士道 新渡戶稻造著/蘇癸珍譯


{葉隱聞書}山本常朝/ 口述; 田代陣基/ 文字,李冬君譯,廣西師大出版社,2007

山本常朝 - Wikipedia

葉隱》(Hagakure),又稱《葉隱聞書》--《葉隱聞書》是日本武士道精神的真正源頭、原典,論語體。“葉隱”就是“落花之美”意象,它意指凋零有期的花兒,隱藏於葉下,遇有知音,瞬間飄落而去,以展示自身生命的價值。 武士道是日本文化精神的核心,對日本民族性的影響頗深,尤其是日本近代化過程中、以及今天日本人的生活方式中、精神信仰中,都留下了武士道精神的印痕。故欲瞭解日本,必先瞭解武士道。研究日本武士道者,必以《葉隱聞書》為首要。它將武士的職業精神上升到一種人生境界,即武士生死的哲學高度。該書開宗明義:“武士道者,死之謂也。”赴死、忠義兩全,是武士道的終極追求。



口述者開宗明義宣稱:“所謂武士道,就是看透死亡。於生死兩難之際,要當機立斷,首先選擇死。沒有什麼大道理可言,此乃一念覺悟而勇往直前。”死亡觀是該書的核心,也是武士道的精髓所在。 李光耀:“日本不是一個普通正常的國家,它是一個隱藏在‘曖昧’表象下,無與倫比 的單一民族集團性和不擇手段的進取性的國家。不管‘菊花’也好,‘刀’也好,都是維護大和民族共同體,進取擴張的手段——不同的手段而已。在日本人的世界 裡,兩種截然相反的東西,構成了奇特的‘互補’”。

 許介鱗: 武士道の本義は日本の戦前の教育勅語の教えのように、「義勇公に奉じ」を最高原則とし、これは武士が「人に奉公する」ための心の準備で、非常に残酷で非人道的だった。

Famous quotes

"I have found that the Way of the samurai is death. This means that when you are compelled to choose between life and death, you must quickly choose death." -- used as a military slogan during the early twentieth century to encourage soldiers to throw themselves into battle.

"There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment. If one fully understands the present moment, there will be nothing else to do, and nothing else to pursue." -Hagakure

"It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said that the world we live in is not a bit different from this." -Hagakure

"I have found the essence of Bushido: to die!" -Hagakure

Tsunetomo's personal version of the Four Vows of a samurai, which he advocated reciting every morning:

As Shown In Hagakure

  1. Never be outdone in the Way of the Samurai.
  2. To be of good use to the master.
  3. To be filial toward my parents.
  4. To manifest great compassion, and to act for the sake of Man.

