2011年11月23日 星期三

The Ways and Power of Love 1954/愛之道與愛之力︰道德轉變的類型、因素與技術

The Ways and Power of Love: Types, Factors, and Techniques of Moral Transformation

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About the Author

Pitirim A. Sorokin (1889-1968) was a controversial figure in twentieth-century sociology, and a pioneer in the scientific study of unlimited love. He served as the founding chairman of the sociology department of Harvard University. He was interested in discovering more about how love for others is related to felt participation in a Presence that is higher than our own and that serves as a source of unlimited love across all divisions of religious, political, and ethnic loyalties.

Stephen G. Post is professor of biomedical ethics at Case Western Reserve University and is president of the newly formed Institute for Research on Unlimited Love. He is ethics editor for the Journal of Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. His most recent book is The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer Disease.

The Ways and Power of Love: Types, Factors, and Techniques of Moral Transformation [Paperback]

Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin (Author), Stephen Garrard Post (Introduction)



  • 作者:(美)索羅金
  • 出版社:上海三聯書店
  • 出版日期:2011年07月01日
  • 語言:簡體中文

由皮蒂裏姆·a·索羅金編著的《愛之道與愛之力:道德轉變的類型因素與技術》圍繞“愛”,或曰索羅金在20世紀五十年代末提出的“愛能”展開論述。簡單來 說,這本書就是告訴我們如何去愛以及如何獲取“愛能”。 全書共分五部分:第一部分概述了愛的不同方面、愛的五個經驗維度、愛的力量,以及生產、積累和分配愛的方式;第二部分對人格結構的普遍理論做了一個基本的 修正;第三部分處理的是至上之愛傳教者道德成長的方式和原因;第四部分系統考察了道德高尚化以及瑜伽、修道院、世俗兄弟會的利他主義教育體系的主要技術; 最後一部分提出了用對所有人和人類整體的普遍之愛超越個人和群體利己主義的藍圖。

前言 譯者序 導論:皮蒂裏姆·索羅金,研究無限之愛的先驅 第一部分 愛:愛的方面、維度、生產、轉化和力量 第一章 愛的多樣性及其主要方面 第二章 社會心理之愛的五維度體系 第三章 試論愛能的生產、積累和分配 第四章 創造之愛的力量 第二部分 創造性人格的結構 第五章 人的精神結構和能量 第六章 人類精神結構、創造力和認知中的超意識 第七章 人格整合與創造的形式和方式 第三部分 利他主義的成長方式 第八章 至上之愛與超意識 第九章 利他主義者的三個類型與利他主義成長的三條道路 第十章 思想和行為的利他主義自我認同 第十一章 幸運型利他主義者的早期整合因素 第十二章 後期利他主義者的內心衝突與驟變因素 第十三章 對群體歸屬和環境進行利他主義調整的類型 第十四章 行為重整的考驗和痛苦 第十五章 控制生物衝動的類型 第四部分 個人和群體的利他主義轉變技術 第十六章 自我中心與超越自我的愛之形式和技術 第十七章 利他主義轉變的技術(續) 第十八章 利他主義轉變的技術(結論) 第十九章 帕坦伽俐和其他瑜伽的統一技術 第二十章 修士的技術體系 第二十一章 修道院的“心理分析”、諮詢和治療 第二十二章 當代自由兄弟會的技術 第五部分 部族利他主義的悲劇與超越 第二十三章 從部族利己主義到普遍利他主義 註釋 人名索引 主題索引

The Ways and Power of Love was originally published in 1954 when Pitirim Sorokin was in the twilight of his career and leading the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism. His elaborate scientific analysis of love with regard to its higher and lower forms, its causes and effects, its human and cosmic significance, and its core features constitutes the first study on this topic in world literature to date.

Sorokin concluded that with the birth of the atomic age humanity needed more than ever a quantum leap both in the scientific understanding of altruistic love and its implementation. By the late 1940s, his attention was focused entirely on love and its manifestations in compassion, altruism, and generosity. He was especially interested in discovering more about how love for others is related to felt participation in a Presence that is higher than our own and that serves as a source of unlimited love across all the divisions of tribal, religious, political, and ethnic loyalties.

Sorokin was the one absolutely essential twentieth-century pioneer in the study of love at the interface of science and religion. Bringing The Ways and Power of Love back into print allows a new generation of readers to appreciate Sorokin’s genius and to move forward with his endeavor at a time when civilization itself continues to be threatened by a marked inability to live up to the ideal of love for all humankind. It is certainly right to hope, with Sorokin, that progress in knowledge about love can move humanity forward to a better future. Turning the sciences toward the study of love is no easy task, but it can and must be done.

