2014年3月22日 星期六

In Search of Oxford, The Oxford Book of Oxford / The Oxford Tutorial: "Thanks, You Taught Me How to Think,

In Search of Oxford
Darting between past and present, the bookish and the bucolic, the author peels back layers of this quintessential English college town.

The Oxford Book of Oxford (Oxford Books) [Paperback] oUP 1978

Jan Morris
 In this entertaining and lively anthology, Jan Morris traces the history of Oxford University from its foundation in the Middle Ages through to the twentieth century, combining extracts from contemporary observers with her own informative commentary.

The reader is invited to view the development of the college system, the creation of the Bodleian, Magdalen's defiance of James II, Newman, and the Oxford Movement. The life and times of Oxford are exalted or derided by writers ranging from the antiquarian Anthony Wood to Evelyn Waugh, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Gladstone, Hilaire Belloc and Thomas Hardy. Unworldly scholars and eccentric dons walk the pages, accompanied by the great characters of Oxford such as Benjamin Jowett, Sir Maurice Bowra, and William Spooner.

List of books about Oxford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_books_about_Oxford - Cached
Below is a list of books about Oxford or written in Oxford, England. The city of Oxford has generated and inspired much literature. Many authors have lived in ...


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【作 者】:(英)大卫·帕尔菲曼(David Palpreyman)主编 ; 冯青来译

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Palfreyman, David, ed. The Oxford Tutorial: "Thanks, You Taught Me How to Think,
" 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, 2008.

THE OXFORD TUTORIAL: 'Thanks, you taught me how to think'

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由 R Mash 著作 - 相關文章
of our initial meeting and the boy who said 'thank you, you taught me how to think.' I couldn't agree more. The Oxford tutorial system… was without question ...
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由 R Mash 著作 - 相關文章
Education. Policy. Studies, at New College, Oxford, OX1 3BN, UK (www.new ...
oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/Publications/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP1.doc - 類似內容

