2011年1月13日 星期四

Historia Naturalis『博物誌』一小段之翻譯筆記


Pliny the Elder(A.D. 23–79. )為著名『博物誌』 之作者(He wrote the 37-volume Historia Naturalis)。可參考 http://www.answers.com/pliny
本文談伊塔羅.卡爾維諾( Italo Calvino)著《為什麼讀經典》 ( Why Read the Classics? ) 中「天空、人類、大象」中一段引文的譯文之商榷。

All this produces a dramatic view of human nature, as something precarious and unstable: man’s shape and destiny hang by a very thin thread....
...a sneeze during intercourse can cause a miscarriage. Whoever consider how precarious is the birth of the proudest living being can only feel pity and shame; often even the smell of the lamp that has just been put out can cause a miscarrage. And to think that such fragile origins can produce a powerful tyrant or murderer. You who rely on physical strength, who enjoy the benefit of Fortune, and consider yourself not her temporary ward but her son, who think you are a god the minute some success makes you puff out your chest, just think how little it would have taken to destroy you! ( p.42)

孕婦的一舉一動都會影響小孩的出生......每個認為最驕傲的生物的出生過程是最不穩定的人,都只能感到憐憫和惋惜;有時,剛熄滅的油燈味道也可能造成 流產。而如此虛弱的血源居然可以製造出孔武有力的暴君或謀殺犯。你依恃身體的力氣,享受命運女神的眷顧,認為自己不是牠暫時的被監護人,而是牠的兒子, 小有成就你便志得意滿,認為自己是神,想想看,要毀掉你是多麼輕而易舉!(伊塔羅.卡爾維諾( Italo Calvino)著《為什麼讀經典》 ( Why Read the Classics? 1991 ) 李桂蜜譯,台北:時報出版, 2005, p.46)
我請朋友評一下上文之翻譯。他們都說看不懂。他們討論了”man’s shape and destiny hang by a very thin thread....”`之翻譯,他們有此一說:「人的外形與命運處於千鈞一髮狀態」、「人的健康與命運都是危如一髮所繫」(我這句中文通嗎?)
rl提出其看法:「吾人身命細如游絲」或 「吾人身命如繫游絲」。大家覺得不錯。

我們可以注意翻譯的「不穩定」。譬如說,precarious and unstable 初翻為「不可靠的且不穩定的」,接下來,Whoever consider how precarious is the birth of the proudest living being 其中的precarious翻為「最不穩定的」,這與上文的unstable 相同。
這兩precarious 似宜翻譯為「危險的」。

Fortune 女神(其古典型樣可由 Google找圖示),變成祂了。她司人生際遇(often Fortune A hypothetical, often personified force or power that favorably or unfavorably governs the events of one’s life: We believe that Fortune is on our side),與命運(fate)稍為不同。所比美國著名的商業刊物Fortune 選其「財富」義當刊名。

Pity 意失望或不滿意(disappointing or not satisfactory);shame 不舒服感、不像話的事。pity and shame

"Ward vs Son "的比喻,也許近似「反將養子以為是親生子,(反客為主)忘其所以」。

